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Legal notices

Company Head Office

Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l.
15, rue d’Oetrange
L-5411 Canach

Postal address

Z.A. Reckschleed
L-5411 Canach

Represented by

Fernand HEINISCH – Manager

Roland HEINISCH – Manager

Emile WEBER – Manager

Fernand WEBER – Manager


Telephone: (+352) 35 65 75 – 1

Fax: (+352) 35 97 99

Email address: info@ew.lu

Company capital

5.000.000 €

Trade Register

Trade Register registration.

Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register

Registration number: B16639


VAT identification number LU 11593456

General information about professional indemnity insurance

Company name and headquarters of the insurance company:

AXA Assurances Luxembourg S.A.

1, Place de l’Etoile

L-1479 Luxembourg

Scope of this insurance: Luxembourg

Website development

QIUBITS S.à r.l.
15, rue d’Oetrange
L-5411 Canach, Luxembourg

Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. website created using the Galatea webCMS system.

Sources of images and graphics used


Terms and conditions of use of the website (TCU)

Definition and purpose: These terms and conditions of use determine the grounds and regulations for using the www.emile-weber.lu website.

www.emile-weber.lu is a free website managed by Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. to inform users about travel and mobility services, offers etc. provided by Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l.

User obligations: The www.emile-weber.lu website may be accessed via the internet. The user is aware of the risks involved when using the internet. The user is responsible for using the internet with a suitable data carrier which complies with security requirements.

Amendments: The following terms and conditions of use may be amended at any time with additional information which completes these conditions to comply with changes made to the www.emile-weber.lu website, to subsequent laws or for any other significant reason. The user must be aware of the current terms and conditions of use of the www.emile-weber.lu website.

Limitation of responsibilities

Responsibility for content: In accordance with current legal provisions, Voyages Weber S.à r.l. may only be held responsible for its own content on its website. Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. does not provide any guarantee concerning the veracity, credibility, topicality, or completeness of information published on the www.emile-weber.lu website. As service provider, Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. is therefore not required to control transmitted information or examine the circumstances of an illicit activity. The obligation nonetheless remains to erase or block this information based on current legislation. Responsibility in this way may however only be invoked once a specific infraction has been identified. Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. will remove the content at once as soon as it has been informed of such a violation of rights.

Responsibility for hyperlinks: Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l.’s website contains links to third-party websites. However, Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. may not be held responsible in any way for this third-party content. Website providers or operators are solely responsible for the content displayed on their own websites. Hyperlinks have been checked for eventual violations when created. Illegal content had not been identified at that time. However, permanent checks of hyperlink contents are not reasonable without concrete proof of a violation. Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. will immediately erase links once it has been informed of a violation.

Copyright and intellectual property

All current and future components of the www.emile-weber.lu website are protected by current Luxembourgish law in terms of intellectual property and copyright. Reproduction, adaptation or distribution and any use that exceeds limitations of copyright require written consent from the author or creator.

Downloads and copies of pages are only authorised for personal and non-commercial use. Any content from the website, which does not originate from Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. but from third parties is presented in accordance with intellectual property rights of these third parties on the website. Content from third-party websites is specifically marked as such. If the user observes a possible violation of copyright or intellectual property rights, the user must provide proof of this violation to Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. will remove the content at once as soon as it has been informed of such a violation of rights.

Legislation and place of jurisdiction

Any dispute regarding the www.emile-weber.lu website is governed by Luxembourgish law; Luxembourgish courts have sole jurisdiction.

Dispute resolution

The European Commission has set up an online platform for dispute resolution:


Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l.’s email address may be found above.  

Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l. is neither willing nor obliged to attend dispute resolution procedures in the presence of a consumer conciliation body.

Privacy policy

Voyages Emile Weber S.à r.l., represented by its managers, is responsible for the processing of personal data.

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